Energising Flows & YogaLates

Energising Flows & YogaLates

Embrace your yoga POWER with this energising and dynamic series designed to create more energy in the body while helping to tone, strengthen, and sculpt. Breathe deep, break a sweat and leave it all on the mat.

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Energising Flows & YogaLates
  • 45mins Ladder Energiser

    You requested more 45min flows so here is a gorgeous dynamic one to keep you flexible, strong and fit. This class will help you to build heat, energy and openness in the body as you move through a challenging Ladder Flow. Prepare to sweat!

  • Short & Sweaty Flow

    This class is a spicy and sweaty one as we focus on synchronising breath with movement to build heat and energy in the body. This series will help develop flexibility, strength and balance in the body.

    Always remember to listen to your own body and respect its limits if a particular posture or s...

  • Ladder Flow - Core Strengthening

    A style of Vinyasa that builds upon itself as we move through each sequence. You'll be able to focus on proper alignment and muscle engagement because you'll know what moves comes next.

    A beautiful way to get out of your head and connect back into your breath and body. This is a faster pace cla...

  • Side Body Sculpt

    Create strength and toning in your core and obliques, while helping create stability in the body. This side body sculpt is a great way to get toned and strong while also protecting the spine.

  • YogaLates for the Legs

    This short YogaLates flow works on the inner and outer thighs and is easy to fit in to a busy day!

    It is incredible to feel the power and strength that can be built from using only your own body weight.


  • Core Activation

    Fire up the abs and create a deep sense of stability, strength and heat throughout the entire body. This practice is designed to keep you strong and connected to your centre, keeping the focus on your breath.

  • Swift Power Flow

    This is one of our favourite types of flows when you are on the go and don't have much time to spare. This short power flow builds heat and energy in the body while developing strength and endurance all the while synchronising breath to movement for that mind body connection.

    Enjoy yogis! x

  • Yoga Sculpt - Toning & Energising

    You are 22mins away from feeling more energy, strength and power in your body and relaxed, calm and clear in your mind. What are you waiting for?

  • Ready for Dancer Pose?

    Natarajasana (Dancer Pose or Lord of the Dance Pose) is a deep backbend that requires patience, focus, and persistence. The pose is named after the Hindu god Shiva Nataraja, King of the Dance, who finds bliss in the midst of destruction. Like its namesake, Lord of the Dance Pose embodies finding ...

  • YogaLates Lower Body Flow

    This combo of Yoga and Pilates targets the lower body to build strength and tone throughout the muscles in the legs, glutes, core and hips.

    This practice is all about body awareness as we move slowly and with control over the muscles to work on our form and develop that gorgeous length and tone...

  • Stretch & Strength - YogaLates - Core & Glutes

    A beautiful hybrid of yoga and pilates that will tone, strengthen and energise the body, focusing on the core and glutes, and release tension and stress from the mind.
    A lovely balance of stretch and strength!

  • Yoga to Align and Anchor

    This series is designed to help you come back to your centre through various sequences that will help align and anchor the body and mind. The grounding postures throughout will help to bring you out of your busy mind and back into the body.

  • Building to Wheel Pose

    This yoga class is designed to help you build on the intensity of back bends and spinal movement and allow you to access the beautiful deep heart opener; Wheel Pose/Urdhva Dhanurasana.

    It will open up your chest, unblock your heart space and allow your body to move into deeper back bends while ...

  • 20min Energising Flow

    This short and energising flow is perfect for a morning practice to set you up for the day or to give you a boost of energy whenever you need it. This practice focuses on bringing Prana into our bodies whilst moving & amp; shaking any stuck or stagnant energy. Enjoy!

  • Building to a Crow Pose

    Today we are firing things up as we work our way towards a Crow pose.
    Mastering Crow builds your yoga confidence and opens the door to many more poses involving arm balance. It can also improve your awareness of where your body is in space (called proprioception) and enhance your body control.

  • Yoga to feel Open & Energised

    Unlock tight hips, lengthen your spine and create more flexibility and mobility throughout your entire body with this energising flow designed to unblock, strengthen and connect you back to your inner Goddess.

  • Dynamic Yoga to Create HEAT

    A full body dynamic flow that will have you feeling energised, revitalised and ready for whatever challenges lie ahead. As we create more heat in the body we allow old, damp energy to be removed and welcome fresh perspective and feelings of bliss.

  • Yoga to Embrace Gratitude

    A full body flow designed to help you embody the feelings of Gratitude. This 19mins class will have you feeling energised, happier in yourself and more grateful for all that you have and all that you are.

  • 33min Energising Full Body Flow

    This energising flow will work on toning and strengthening the entire body as we move with the breath. We will be stimulating energy, purifying the system and stabilising the mind so that you are ready for the day ahead!
    Feel that positive energy moving freely throughout.

    Enjoy! x

  • Tone & Flex Flow

    This short flow will work up serious heat in the body making you feel energised and ready to tackle the day ahead. This series will focus on toning and strengthening the entire body while also building flexibility and balance.

    Enjoy x

  • Full Body YogaLates Flow

    This full body flow is a new and much anticipated addition and we are so excited to be able to share it with you all!

    This YogaLates class combines the fundamentals of yoga and mat pilates postures to build a fast-paced flow that will promote mobility, core strength, balance, and overall fitness...

  • Power Standing Flow

    This standing yoga class is an incredible way to build strength, flexibility and balance in the body.

    The beauty of this class is that it can be practiced anywhere at any time in the day and you don't even need a yoga mat!

    Enjoy x

  • Yoga to Strengthen TRUST

    A heart opening, control and self-doubt releasing vinyasa flow practice designed to bring in a sense of vitality, hope and TRUST into both your body and mind.

  • 26 min Fiery Full Body Flow

    This fiery vinyasa flow is a sweaty one that will help to build strength, balance and flexibility in the body. This can be practiced at any time in the day to help boost energy levels and enhance focus and clarity in the mind. #