Abs & Core Focused

  • Core Activation

    Fire up the abs and create a deep sense of stability, strength and heat throughout the entire body. This practice is designed to keep you strong and connected to your centre, keeping the focus on your breath.

  • Ladder Flow - Core Strengthening

    A style of Vinyasa that builds upon itself as we move through each sequence. You'll be able to focus on proper alignment and muscle engagement because you'll know what moves comes next.

    A beautiful way to get out of your head and connect back into your breath and body. This is a faster pace cla...

  • Day 2 - Arms and Abs

    Get ready to feel the burn! We are firing thinhgs up in the arms & abs with this flow using only our own body weight.
    You can add weights if you want to intensify the movements. Simple but intense moves to work your deep abdominals and then a variation of arm exercises to feel strong and connect...

  • 16mins Ladder Flow - Sideline Strengthener

    16mins to get you feeling invigorated and strong.
    Ladder Flow targets the obliques, outer thighs and core in particular while creating openness and space throughout the entire body and mind.
    An energising and mindful way to move.
    Hannah x

  • Stretch & Strength - YogaLates - Core & Glutes

    A beautiful hybrid of yoga and pilates that will tone, strengthen and energise the body, focusing on the core and glutes, and release tension and stress from the mind.
    A lovely balance of stretch and strength!

  • Side Body Sculpt

    Create strength and toning in your core and obliques, while helping create stability in the body. This side body sculpt is a great way to get toned and strong while also protecting the spine.

  • Day 7 - Abs, Arms & Booty

    Welcome to your final day and congrats on making it through this intro series! We hope you have enjoyed the journey with us.

    This class focuses on building strength and tone in the arms, abs and booty using 1lb weights. You do not need to use the weights, the movements are just as effective with...

  • YogaLates Lower Body Flow

    This combo of Yoga and Pilates targets the lower body to build strength and tone throughout the muscles in the legs, glutes, core and hips.

    This practice is all about body awareness as we move slowly and with control over the muscles to work on our form and develop that gorgeous length and tone...

  • Slow Power Flow

    Connect to your breath and become aligned and centred with this strong & controlled practice. This class targets the core and oblique muscles predominantly and helps to create more tone and definition throughout the entire body.

  • Building to a Crow Pose

    Today we are firing things up as we work our way towards a Crow pose.
    Mastering Crow builds your yoga confidence and opens the door to many more poses involving arm balance. It can also improve your awareness of where your body is in space (called proprioception) and enhance your body control.