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  • 13mins Standing Flow

    A full standing flow to help create balance and strength targeting core, upper arms and the spine.

  • Gentle YogaLates Flow (Pregnancy Friendly)

    This genlte YogaLates flow is the perfect movement for beginners or expecting mums.

    Only using your own body weight, this combines a lovely mix of yoga and pilates moves to help keep the body balanced and strong.


  • NEW Meditation to Reduce Holiday Overwhelm

    A gentle meditation to reduce feelings of stress & overwhelm, especially leading up to Christmas.

  • Pilates - Inner and Outer Thighs

    This inner and outer thigh class focuses on sculpting and toning the muscles in the legs while also working on the core to develop strength.

    This type of class is one of my personal favourites as it gets into muscles you didn't even know existed!

    Enjoy : )

  • 19min Standing Pilates

    This standing series is all about the lower body. Using only your own body weight, it is amazing how quickly you can switch on the muscles and feel that fire building.

    I suggest using a stable surface to help stabilise the body in the balancing postures and feel free to add in ankle weights for ...

  • Energising Breath-Work: Bellows Breath

    Bhastrika Pranayama, also known as Bellows Breath, is a heating breathing practice that mimics fanning a fire with a steady flow of air.
    Bastrika is a Sanskrit word meaning “bellows,” and it describes the active filling and emptying of the abdomen and lungs during this practice.

    Bhastrika prana...

  • Wind Down Yin

    5 key Yin yoga postures to help you reduce feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. This class is designed to help you reconnect to your body in a slow and gentle way. You will need one cushion/pillow/rolled up blanket and 2 x blocks/hard back books.

  • Valentine's Day: Meditation for Self-Love and Self-Worth

    This guided meditation for self-love and self-worth helps you build a strong foundation of emotional resilience, mental clarity, and inner peace. The practice empowers you to accept yourself fully, fostering better relationships, improved mental and physical health, and an overall more fulfilling...

  • Postures for the Pelvic Floor

    This short video focuses on postures to help strengthen and relax the pelvic floor muscles.

    This video is suitable for both men and women but particularly helpful for women who are post partum and also for women in perimenopause and menopause. These practical tips from breathing techniques to s...

  • 28min Pilates Full Body Sculpt

    This full body Pilates flow is intermediate level focused and works on sculpting and toning the core muscles of the entire body with strong and controlled movement.

    You will need to have a foundational level of Pilates to access this class and you can choose to add weights or a band to your prac...

  • 10mins Booty

    An express booty workout to fire up the glutes and get the heart rate elevated!

  • Introducing the Mula Bandha

    In Sanskrit, mula means root and bandha means lock. This action is believed to control the flow of energy moving outwards and therefore creates stability in the lower body. In addition, it helps in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and improves bladder control as the Mula Bandha is similar t...

  • Breathe Into CALM

    Take time to reset and find balance using your breath.

  • 44min YogaLates Full Body Flow

    This YogaLates flow will have the heart pumping while sculpting and toning the entire body all using your own body weight.

    This style of flow is one of our faavourites and a go to when we want to fire up the muscles and get that full body workout in. You can choose to add in 1lb ankle weights i...

  • Standing Flow - Wrist Free Yoga

    A class with no hands on the ground to test your balance, core strength & take pressure off your wrists. A perfect class to take on the go, whether you’re in the park, at the beach or at home and want a quick but effective flow to move your body.

  • Guided Meditation for Non-Judgement

    Take time to reset and find space to welcome compassion and non-judgement to your day.

  • Foundations of Shoulder Stand

    In this video we will break down the foundations of a Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana). This class is suitable for beginners but you will need 2 or 3 blankets for extra support and comfort.

    Inversions can seem intimidating, but when done correctly, it is possible to experience the many benefits of ...

  • 20mins Abs & Arms

    You requested shorter and more targeted flows so please enjoy this short sweaty flow targeting Abs & Arms - Time to get toned, flexible and strong!

  • Acceptance Meditation

    Acceptance should never be confused with giving up, or giving in. Acceptance is the act of choosing to be in the moment, to embrace rather than resist your own reality and to have the conscious awareness to know that no matter what situation you find yourself in, nothing is ever permanent.

  • 34 Min Full Body Pilates Sculpt

    This full body Pilates flow will help sculpt, tone and strengthen the core muscle groups in the entire body all using your own body weight.

    This class will really work on getting the heart rate up while also maintaining that slow and controlled movement in the body. The movements will make you ...

  • BONUS Movement & Meditation

    June 21st is both the Summer Solstice (longest day of the year) and the International Day of Yoga.
    Summer Solstice marks the Spring Equinox representing new beginnings and reminds us to turn inward and find the nourishment needed to grow and evolve. International Day of Yoga reminds us of the im...