Box Breath is a quick and easy way to destress the mind and body as it creates a sense of calm and clarity. A wonderful tool to incorporate into your work day or bedtime routine as it helps to regulate the nervous system and relax the mind for sleep.
Up Next in Challenging: Week Three
YogaLates Lower Body Flow
This combo of Yoga and Pilates targets the lower body to build strength and tone throughout the muscles in the legs, glutes, core and hips.
This practice is all about body awareness as we move slowly and with control over the muscles to work on our form and develop that gorgeous length and tone...
Breathe Into CALM
Take time to reset and find balance using your breath.
33min Energising Full Body Flow
This energising flow will work on toning and strengthening the entire body as we move with the breath. We will be stimulating energy, purifying the system and stabilising the mind so that you are ready for the day ahead!
Feel that positive energy moving freely throughout.Enjoy! x