

Listen to your body. Does it need more kindness and a gentle approach to movement and mindfulness this week? Depending on your mood, your energy levels and (if you menstruate) the time in your cycle, your routine will need to change with it. This collection is perfect for making sure you keep connected to your body with gentle movement and mindfulness, without over exerting yourself unnecessarily.

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  • Yoga for Neck & Shoulders

    Many of us (myself included) hold our emotional stress in the neck and shoulder area. As you release the physical sensation of this, your mind will follow and slowly start to relax and become more at ease. Enjoy this short yoga designed just for that!

  • Sleep Enhancing Yoga

    Incorporating gentle tension releasing movement and mindfulness into you night time routine will have a profound impact on the quality and depth of your sleep. Enjoy 20mins of yoga designed to relax and unwind both body and mind. The perfect pre bedtime routine!

  • Overflowing Heart Yoga Nidra

    Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep, is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. This session will guide you back to your heart space allowing you to cultivate more love, light and healing towards both your body and mind. 20mins of deep Yoga Nidra can have the same effect as 8hrs of sleep. Ge...

  • Bedtime Yoga

    A gentle restorative style yoga to help ease you into a blissful sleep. This is a great wind down practice to help calm both your body and your mind.

  • Postures for the Pelvic Floor

    This short video focuses on postures to help strengthen and relax the pelvic floor muscles.

    This video is suitable for both men and women but particularly helpful for women who are post partum and also for women in perimenopause and menopause. These practical tips from breathing techniques to s...

  • Breath Inquiry

    Take a moment to connect to your breath and become the observer of your experience.

  • Lower Back Release

    A great way to ease the symptoms of Sciatica and bring fresh energy and release to the lower back area. This class will also focus on releasing the glutes, hips and shoulders.