

Listen to your body. Does it need more kindness and a gentle approach to movement and mindfulness this week? Depending on your mood, your energy levels and (if you menstruate) the time in your cycle, your routine will need to change with it. This collection is perfect for making sure you keep connected to your body with gentle movement and mindfulness, without over exerting yourself unnecessarily.

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  • Yoga for PMS Symptoms

    Yoga is a natural remedy for just about anything. It helps to relieve back pain, stress, tension and believe it or not, PMS symptoms! Whenever you start to feel bloated, blue, achy, or in pain — and you know menstruation is to blame — try these yoga poses for period cramps and other PMS symptoms ...

  • Yoga to ease Anxiety

    Anxious minds make anxious bodies - and vice versa.
    This gentle yoga class is designed to help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety in both the body and mind and help you come back into a state of balance.
    Take time to slow down, connect with your breath, and know that nothing is ever permanen...

  • Yin Yoga for the Heart Chakra

    This yin class focuses on unblocking the heart chakra and letting love and joy pour into your life.

    When the heart chakra is in healthy alignment, you feel surrounded by love, compassion and joy. However, when there is a blockage, we can feel lonely, overly defensive and find it difficult to tru...

  • Visualisation on Radical Acceptance

    When a person utilizes denial or another defense mechanism, they often end up feeling worse and in even more distress. This is because they are not accepting the reality of the situation (Chapman, Gratz, & Tull, 2011).

    Acceptance is simply acknowledging the moment as it is; there is no judgment ...

  • Relaxing Yoga using a Bolster

    Using props throughout your yoga practice can be a massive help and allow you to access your favourite poses, regardless of how tight the body may feel. Today we are focusing on one of our favourite props, the Yoga Bolster. The bolster creates a lovely support system as it brings the ground up to...

  • Nadi Shodhana Breathwork

    Nadi Shodhana, or “alternate nostril breathing,” is a simple yet powerful technique that settles the mind, body, and emotions. You can use it to quiet your mind before beginning a meditation practice, and it is particularly helpful to ease racing thoughts if you are experiencing anxiety, stress, ...

  • Affirmations for Emotional Regulation

    The definition of emotional regulation encompasses both positive and negative feelings, along with how we can strengthen them, use them, and control them.

    By listening consistently to these positive affirmations, you will reinforce your emotional stability, allowing you to rise above anything th...