You requested more 45min flows so here is a gorgeous dynamic one to keep you flexible, strong and fit. This class will help you to build heat, energy and openness in the body as you move through a challenging Ladder Flow. Prepare to sweat!
Up Next in 30 - 45 Minutes
Full Body YogaLates Flow
This full body YogaLates flow focuses on sculpting the entire body while building balance and strength throughout. I have added 1lb weights to intensify the moves but it is just as powerful to use your own body weight.
Listen to your own body and respect your own limits. Let us know what you th...
Open the Hips & Hamstrings
Our modern lifestyle of sitting at desks all day with limited movement has led to a widespread issue with tight hips and hamstrings.Your hips and hamstrings are crucial in the easeful movement of your entire body, and when there is excess tension or tightness here, it can significantly impact you...
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