45mins Ladder Energiser
You requested more 45min flows so here is a gorgeous dynamic one to keep you flexible, strong and fit. This class will help you to build heat, energy and openness in the body as you move through a challenging Ladder Flow. Prepare to sweat!
Up Next in Energise
Short & Sweaty Flow
This class is a spicy and sweaty one as we focus on synchronising breath with movement to build heat and energy in the body. This series will help develop flexibility, strength and balance in the body.
Always remember to listen to your own body and respect its limits if a particular posture or s...
Breath Inquiry
Take a moment to connect to your breath and become the observer of your experience.
Slow Power Flow
Connect to your breath and become aligned and centred with this strong & controlled practice. This class targets the core and oblique muscles predominantly and helps to create more tone and definition throughout the entire body.